Is AI here to replace us? I don’t think so. Famous last words, maybe.

4 min readJun 4, 2023


AI has become so evident in our world. It has changed how cars can be driven, our refrigerators can talk now, designers can do high resolution 3D renderings in less than an hour, developers write strings of code without pulling a dreaded all nighter.

I’ve assumed that those in creative fields have felt the game-changing impact of AI most, given the advent of GPT4. As a marketing consultant, the promise and perils up close are a sight. AI enhances efficiency infinity-fold (hyperbole), bulldozes through first drafts and can deliver hidden insight without breaking a sweat. Then there are the ethical quandaries — the bias in algorithms, copyright and privacy concerns, the threat of job displacement.

Is AI here to replace us? I don’t think so. Famous last words, maybe. But I’m keen for a world of collaboration today and I hope for the same in the future. I blame the books I grew up on — i-Robot and the fantastic world Asimov dreamt up. It didn’t necessarily have the happiest ending, but if there is a world where diseases are diagnosed more accurately and swiftly, where personalised education exists, where governments allocate resources effectively and fairly, count me in.

Dreaming aside, for marketers and brand consultants, AI is only going to become more essential when it comes to staying ahead. Understanding how different platforms and tools operate can truly empower marketers with a competitive edge. But where does one start?

AI has been in our world for awhile and it’s highly likely that we’ve used it to some degree. The earliest experience I had with AI was in the late 90’s, through a Nokia cellphone’s predictive text feature. Ironically, it was so bothersome that I disabled the setting and chose to text manually. Back then, speed and efficiency weren’t my priorities. Instead, the creativity that came with replacing words with a variety of picture-like symbols posed a more attractive option. Before my current obsession with sending GIFs on my phone, I was harassing friends with random text message art (aka SMS art or ASCII art) on the Nokia phone. Exhibit A, an owl:

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Like anything technology-related, understanding AI better for marketing starts with a healthy amount of curiosity. I was told that if you’ve been curious, you’ve been paying attention, and so you’re already ahead of the game. Most times, marketing is an exercise in agility and moves rapidly when it comes to adopting new innovation. Curiosity will always remain an integral ingredient for seizing opportunities.

Here are five more insights I’ve learned through my AI marketing journey.

  1. Invest time and effort into understanding the different AI technologies and applications. Get familiar with natural language processing, machine learning algorithms, and data analytics tools. Explore TensorFlow, Coursera, Youtube.
  2. Embrace your love for words and communication. Words and how we use them to communicate are the driving force for exchanging ideas in our world. Now, it is the most mainstream medium used to prompt AI models. Never underestimate the importance of knowing the meaning of a word and how to construct a compelling, influencing sentence. Explore reading more! Books, books and more books!
  3. Get hands-on experience with applications. Experiment with AI-powered tools and platforms. Many AI platforms offer free trials or demo versions that allow you to explore their capabilities. Take advantage of these opportunities to use apps relevant to your field. Explore Chatfuel,, Salesforce Einstein, Adobe Sensei.
  4. Put on the critical thinking hat. Stay informed about privacy concerns, algorithmic biases and the responsible collection and use of data. This also goes for the broader implications and potential consequences on societal dynamics and cultural aspects of AI. Strive to adopt ethical practices in you work and advocate for responsible AI usage within your organisation. As marketers, this is our responsibility. Explore The Human Brain Project.
  5. Foster an attitude of collaboration and idea-exchanging. Engage with industry-peers to share experiences and learn from each other’s perspectives. Collaborative environments, such as AI-focused communities, online forums, or industry-specific events, can provide valuable insights and foster innovation through collective intelligence. Explore Reddit, The Data Mining Forum.

I can’t wait to hear about your learnings. In the meantime, here is a GPT-generated text art message of a flower.

I like mine better! :)

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